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Yoga is a path, like that of Life. 

The principles indisciplineYogi are:


Breath, is the most sacred thing for every living being, Breath is Life. Rhythmic breath control is essential, to calm the mind, listen to ourselves and let go, allowing us to immerse ourselves in Flow. Breath allows us to remain alert and listening with our deepest Self and feel alive. Connected within and without Us.


Asana means posture, and is the third of the eight states described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra. These are the Asanas or physical postures, which are the basis for the practice of Yoga. Postures that we repeat, in a steady rhythm, creating a Flow. By controlling the mind, we control the body, resulting in deeper & more conscious movement. Movement helps us to purify, to heal, to express ourselves.

Awareness & Presence

It is important to be Aware, present. If there is presence in movement, there is awareness, with these elements connected, there is Yoga. There is calm and peace in the mind. Without awareness, it becomes mere exercise. Listen to body & mind, all that is inside and outside of you, let go in Asana. With mindfulness, you learn to know yourself.

Repetition, Rhythm & Alignment

Creating and following a rhythm is essential. Repeating asanas, allows you to experience them, be more present & connected, entering the state of flow. Knowing the correct alignment, gives confidence, understanding a posture better and going deeper.

" It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, my Self and my intelligence " B.K.S. Iyengar


A 'fundamental element, in the practice of Yoga. Bandhas are specific energy points in our body, which we activate through our muscles. They improve stability, balance, alignment in our posture, and help greatly in the practice of Pranayama.

Union, Connection, Freedom, Exploration

What I Love in Yoga, is that you try to undo the 'Ego, there is no competition between students. You are You and your mat, free. Union of body, mind and spirit, of asana and breath. Staying connected to the World. OM.


I am a certified teacher according to the Yoga Alliance method, but I will continue to be a student every day.
Discovering Yoga has helped me to know myself and find peace. I hope it will be the same for You.
To live this life to the fullest, in body and mind & spirit.

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It is a Yoga practicedynamic, fluid in movement, following the rhythm of the breath(Ujjayi breathing, very deep nasal breathing ).
The connection between Asana & Breath is very important. Unlike, for example, Hatha Yoga or Yin Yoga, it is certainly a faster style of yoga,fortifies the body, going to work muscles that you didn't even think have.And since, I repeat, everything is connected,if the body is fortified, the mind also benefits.

Prana means life force, breath +Ayamameans control, extension

BKS Iyengar, defines pranayama as " prolong & restrict the breath" also states " Breath is the vehicle to awareness "

With pranayama techniques, it improves the respiratory, circulatory, digestive system, eliminates tension, purifies body, mind and intellect.
Create space in the mind, freeing it.

Il Breath, is the most sacred thing for every living being, the breath is Life.

A style of yogamore relaxed and slow, we hold the positions for a long time to release tension and open the body.
Yin is an intense and slow practice that aims to stimulate vital energy.
During the lesson we hold the positions for several minutes to let gravity act passively on the muscles, we try to listen and feel every sensation. 

It gives great flexibility and free from
all physical and mental tensions.


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The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit yujir meaning to unite, to connect, to bind.

The purpose of Yoga is to find SAMADHI, liberation, peace.
Yoga is Union, connection between body + mind + spirit.
Yoga shapes you, molds you, is a journey of self-discovery.

and also begin a path of nutrition, more suitable and healthy.

Union with nature, with what surrounds us. Union of the senses that is activated and becomes an ear in deep listening.

Beginning with the breath, continuing with the asanas, and because there is union between body and mind, the mind is also shaped positively, and this allows you to listen to yourself and also begin a path of nutrition, more suitable and healthy.

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